Thursday, November 09, 2006

Brother's vow to save Christmas

Brothers Vow To Save Christmas
Lynnfield Men To Boycott Some Stores

LYNNFIELD, Mass. -- Two local men are launching an effort to save Christmas.

NewsCenter 5's Gail Huff reported that Robert and Kevin Marley plan to picket in front of malls and any other store that refuses to use the words "Merry Christmas" for fear of offending non-Christian shoppers.

The Marleys said they don't care if stores say "Happy Kwanzaa" or hang the Star of David -- they just don't want "Merry Christmas" taken down.

"There's an attack on Christmas, and we want to stop it," Robert Marley said.

The Marleys started the Coalition to Save Christmas in Massachusetts -- and they're recruiting volunteers to help protest.

"We're going to ask that Christians boycott any store or mall that does not display the words Merry Christmas," Robert Marley said.

The brothers plan to picket at the Square One Mall on the day after Thanksgiving -- one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

"I think if you hit the malls in the pocket, that's when they'll change their tune a little bit," volunteer Steve Ciambelli said.

The Marleys said their phone has been ringing nonstop since they started the coalition. They are also recruiting volunteers via the Internet.

"It did start with Christ -- Christmas. And that's what it's about," said Kevin Marley.

The Marleys said the are picking up where the Rev. Jerry Falwell left off last year when he threatened to sue after Boston's Christmas tree was renamed the "holiday" tree.

"We want things like they were four years ago. Within five years, there will be no Christmas," said Robert Marley.

The owner of the Square One Mall, Simon Malls, told NewsCenter 5 that their goal is to offer a place for all members of the community to experience this special time of year -- including traditions like visiting Santa and looking for the perfect gift for family and friends.

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